everybody and their mom is talking about the new xray machines at airports. OK. here we go. who the eff cares? so, i guess the tsa are not doing a thorough enough job and there are bombs now that aren't metal and don't set off the metal detectors and people are all scared because of the christmas day bomber last year. as they should be! shit, i am! i mean, with all that has happened the past decade or so on airplanes and air travel facilities. and that's why the tsa decided to really push the scanners starting now, during the holidays (although, i think they've been in some airports for a while now. i know i saw it in denver in september). so, what's wrong with a little extra step? what are your worries?
oh, you don't want to be exposed to the radiation. they say that the machines don't emit any more radiation than an airplane flight anyway. are you afraid of getting cancer? because if you haven't noticed, researchers say that you could get cancer from almost anything. do you use a cell phone? do you use wireless internet? do you drive a car? do you have a microwave? do you eat certain foods? do you go out in the sun? are you a living human being? ya, you, living human being, can get cancer. plus, you're in an airport. the radiation is already IN the place you're standing. cell phones galore, the call center area where pilots talk to the guys to tell them where to land and such (i can't think of the name...), computers everywhere. you're already exposed.
oh, so you're worried that some stranger is going to see you naked? i can ASSURE you, that. person. does. not. care. what. you. look. like. everyone has seen boobs, vagina, and a man's penile area. you ain't got nothing different than anybody else. tsa is not judging you. they are looking to make sure you don't have extra shit on your person. what do you think they're going to do with the scan of you, post it on the internet or something? they won't. but i mean, even if they did, who would care other than you?
ok, so you're worried about the invasive pat down. i see. first of all, go through the damn machine, and you won't have to be pat down (probably). secondly, let's say the person right behind you has a bomb somewhere on them. it's in their big hair and it's not metal so it doesn't set off the metal detectors. they get a pat down and holy shit! it is found!!! would you rather that everyone in the airport that opted out of the machine, including you, be patted down, or that the bomber got through and brought down a plane full of people?
ahh, you want to leave all of this for the people who are profiled as terrorists. yeah? you're an american. not a terrorist. you shouldn't have to go through this molestation. well, i'm an american, too. but i'm also filipino. and i've also been told that i look mexican. and i've also been told that i look spanish. and i've also been told that i look middle eastern. BUT, i am an american. i was born and raised in houston. i've barely even ever left the country (except those couple of times i went to the philippines). but, i walk in to an airport, and i'm probably looked at with more scrutiny than my white, nerdy boyfriend. or the old white lady. or the white person over there that has studied religion, and decided to convert to be a muslim. or, the white person that is so upset that a black man is president, has gone over the cliff, and decided to do something absolutely crazy today. is that fair? i've got brown skin, so pat me down. but don't pat down the white people. they're really AMERICAN. they wouldn't hurt their country. anybody could want to do harm in a moments time. it's the tsa's job to protect the thousands of people in a confined area from that person. and if they decide to pat me down, and not the next, who knows what could happen. everybody in an airport, nay, in the world is equal. yeah, EVERYBODY. so everybody should be treated the same way everywhere. plus, these machines make it easier to get people through the lines of thousands of people. make everyone equal, and everyone gets where they need to be in the proper amount of time.
so, i think these machines are a good thing. 1. i like high tech looking things. they're cool. 2. it's another step in protecting me. something that can be more trusted than a human being. so, you've got a liquid bomb strapped to your large giggly ass? well, a pat down maynot catch that. but the machine will! i'm going to be traveling a lot more than i ever have in the upcoming 2 years, so i want to know that there are no ass bombers in my airport!
i am by no means an expert on this thing. this is just a lowly person's opinion. and i'm really only going by what i hear on npr and see on the news. i mean, i can't even think of the name of the area that pilots call so that they can know where to land. but still people. get over yourselves and just go through the damn machine. or don't fly.