Monday, February 28, 2011
sophie hanks
i have a test tomorrow...but i can't stop procrastinating! damn internet.
side note: i'm just putting it out there that i think natalie portman is going to have twins. she's ginormo [and gorgeous] for only being a few months preggers.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
so, when the oscar nominations came out on january 25th, i made a plan to watch all the movies i hadn't seen yet. i'm a planner. i'm good at it. i love to plan! the problem is, i don't like executing plans. so, i didn't watch very many of the movies i planned to see before today. mainly, the ones that are still in the theaters. but, i was also thinking it wouldn't be a huge deal because i don't have a tv. so, i wasn't going to get to experience the oscars this year. i wasn't going to get to see the dresses and suits or see, immediately, who won what. so how bad would it be that i not have predictions? but, i have just learned that the oscars, in addition to the red carpet, can be streamed online. but, i've heard that story before. "you can watch this game online can watch this award show there..." and it never works out. so, i'm not getting my hopes up. but I would love to see what anne hathaway and james franco have in store because i have huge crushes on both of them :)
movies i wanted to see, but have not gotten a chance to yet:
127 hours
true grit
the king's speech
rabbit hole
blue valentine
biutiful (but this one isn't playing in denver...perhaps in atx?)
that's not too many. at least, not like previous years. i'll probably knock them out when i'm in austin on break (yay!) and not worried about school so much. i just wish i could execute a damn plan efficiently.
*update* YAY! i got to watch it all (well, most of it thanks to the coffee shop i was at needing to reset their router like 5 times) at one of the things i was saddest about (but it will probably be on youtube soon enough) was the internet losing connection right at the beginning of anne hathaway's duet with whoever it ended up being with. and i'm sure james franco did something weird and funny...but i didn't see any hint of it. the autotuned song was incomprehensible. also, a lot of the speeches and introductions were in fast forward mode thanks to shoddy internet connection. but, i'm so glad i got to see most of the awards. even if it meant me skipping out on a lot of the studying i had planned for tonight. it's ok. james franco is worth it.
movies i wanted to see, but have not gotten a chance to yet:
127 hours
true grit
the king's speech
rabbit hole
blue valentine
biutiful (but this one isn't playing in denver...perhaps in atx?)
that's not too many. at least, not like previous years. i'll probably knock them out when i'm in austin on break (yay!) and not worried about school so much. i just wish i could execute a damn plan efficiently.
*update* YAY! i got to watch it all (well, most of it thanks to the coffee shop i was at needing to reset their router like 5 times) at one of the things i was saddest about (but it will probably be on youtube soon enough) was the internet losing connection right at the beginning of anne hathaway's duet with whoever it ended up being with. and i'm sure james franco did something weird and funny...but i didn't see any hint of it. the autotuned song was incomprehensible. also, a lot of the speeches and introductions were in fast forward mode thanks to shoddy internet connection. but, i'm so glad i got to see most of the awards. even if it meant me skipping out on a lot of the studying i had planned for tonight. it's ok. james franco is worth it.
sir oliver charles is daniel and my doggy. he was born on february 27, 2010. today he is 1 year old.
he is cuddly, playful, cute, sometimes stinky, loveable, and pretty smart. i didn't end up bringing him to denver, like originally planned, because 1. it was cold, and 2. i didn't know what taking care of the pup myself and going to school would be like. daniel works crazy hours, so it would've been hard to him to take care of oliver, too. so, he went to houston to live with my mom, dad, and cousin. it was the perfect situation because, thanks to everyone's work hours, the boy is only home alone for a short amount of time. (i was about to put the schedule up here...but my parents were severely burglarized almost a year ago and it would be so not cool if someone read this and ended up in our house...not that i have any readers or that anyone really knows where my parents live)
anyway, daniel and i love oliver with the whole of our hearts. here's a photo journey of the little guy's life thus far.
oliver's first day with us
oliver's first day with us
oli's first bath
so small!
at freddie's for daniel's 25th birthday
oli's first pug meetup

first walk around town lake

first trip to the vet
super happy that we're back from our new orleans vacation
chewing on rocks in the backyard
wanting ribs.
sitting funny
can never be a man...
look at him compared to the shoe now...
modeling his new sweater
just being a nuisance
happy halloween!
bundled up
thanksgiving nap
our first christmas together :)
waiting for bacon at his new house the morning i left for denver
his new bed (and one of the many pictures my mom has texted me)
oli on valentine's day
(i have no idea why these photos are all different sizes and in different spots, and i have no idea how to fix it)
happy birthday puppy dog. your papa and i love and miss you!
Friday, February 25, 2011
the daybook
i've been working on this one blogpost for about a week now. it's hard to pull the words out of me for it though. i should be done soon.
in the meantime...i've been getting into the daybook. it's a beautiful and wonderfully written blog about a girl, who fell in love with a boy, their life together, and FASHION. she's got great style :)
anyhow, she's got a giveaway going on right now for THIS magnificently gorgeous dress. so, not only am i here to promote the daybook, but to blog about the giveaway (because it means an extra entry to be thrown in the drawing bowl!). oh boyyy, i hope i win it. it's so pretty!
ok, goodbye. hope everyone's friday is going nicely :)
in the meantime...i've been getting into the daybook. it's a beautiful and wonderfully written blog about a girl, who fell in love with a boy, their life together, and FASHION. she's got great style :)
anyhow, she's got a giveaway going on right now for THIS magnificently gorgeous dress. so, not only am i here to promote the daybook, but to blog about the giveaway (because it means an extra entry to be thrown in the drawing bowl!). oh boyyy, i hope i win it. it's so pretty!
ok, goodbye. hope everyone's friday is going nicely :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
gettin' "s" done, son
flight booked...CHECK
paper done...CHECK
patho studying done...well, that will never be done, but what should be done by now...CHECK
health assessment studying done...not really, but i have a few days left
really, the flight being booked is the best feeling. i have an exact date and exact time that i know i will be home at. and i have my wonderful, lovely, beautiful little sister (who flew like 20 million times for her job in the first 6 weeks, thus, earned transferable miles) to thank :) there's no way i would be coming home on the day that i'm coming home for the price i paid if it weren't for her. actually, i don't think anybody could go anywhere ever on a plane for the price i paid... i can't wait to repay her and fly her out to denver :)
i also wouldn't have been done with my paper by now if it weren't for my boyfriend's dear sister. if she didn't agree to edit my paper today, i would probably be dotting the I's on the thing right up until 8am tomorrow when it's due. it feels nice to have something done with plenty of time to spare :) i think i'll do this more often.
paper done...CHECK
patho studying done...well, that will never be done, but what should be done by now...CHECK
health assessment studying done...not really, but i have a few days left
really, the flight being booked is the best feeling. i have an exact date and exact time that i know i will be home at. and i have my wonderful, lovely, beautiful little sister (who flew like 20 million times for her job in the first 6 weeks, thus, earned transferable miles) to thank :) there's no way i would be coming home on the day that i'm coming home for the price i paid if it weren't for her. actually, i don't think anybody could go anywhere ever on a plane for the price i paid... i can't wait to repay her and fly her out to denver :)
i also wouldn't have been done with my paper by now if it weren't for my boyfriend's dear sister. if she didn't agree to edit my paper today, i would probably be dotting the I's on the thing right up until 8am tomorrow when it's due. it feels nice to have something done with plenty of time to spare :) i think i'll do this more often.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
warning: blogging while sleep deprived means there will be a whole lot of rambling going on
oh my gosh my brain!!! i have been studying forever and a day. but, the 3rd patho test has come and gone. and my brain needs a break before the 4th (1 week from now...not a big break. really, just about an hour break because i have quizzes the next 2 days, a patho paper due the day before the patho test, a health assessment test the day after, and a nursing topics quiz the next day. oh, and then death the day after that.).
i don't have a tv here. and i've been doing ok with that. but then superbowl sunday rolled around and i was feeling pretty sad. i was sitting at my desk studying (as i did allllllll weekend) and i kept getting texts about the pug doritos commercial. and i was feeling left out. then, it hit me: i've never not watched the superbowl before. so then, not only was i feeling sad and left out, but i felt awkward. i mean, i'm no joe sports, but i enjoy watching football. it's exciting. and watching the superbowl is a tradition. missing it is like missing your mom's birthday. if you don't at least call your mom on her birthday, you get a weird feeling inside you. so sunday was sad and weird.
also, when you get on facebook and see 10 billion posts about yellow and green or yellow and black or christina aguilera messing up the national anthem (still love her though) or the halftime show, you wanna be in on it a little bit. you don't want to miss the live action. i mean, if you were fixing a plate of nachos the moment jacket jackson's nipple graced the screen, that's it. you missed it. you don't get to say that you actually saw it (i do). and i missed all of sunday's moments that could've been (although it doesn't sound like there were many). the one thing i definitely don't want to miss is the oscars. i'm going to need get a tv for that one...or make a friend that will let me sit on their couch in my pajamas all night while drinking wine and judging celebrities.
ok, speaking of facebook and no tv...
since i don't have a tv, i watch what i want online. so, i'm watching how i met your mother (btw: i never thought how i met your mother would make me cry, but somehow the last 2 did. i love that show.) and an advertisement comes up. a guy and a girl are standing on a sidewalk and they awkwardly kiss. the girl goes inside and the guy gets in his car. he presses a button on his rearview mirror AND THE REARVIEW MIRROR GIVES HIM THE GIRL'S FACEBOOK STATUS UPDATE (it said, "best first date ever")! WHAT THE WHAT!? c'mon technology. leave us alone. and why couldn't homegirl tell him that to his face? now the whole world knows about their intimate first date? and of course, there will be comments under that post. and yadah yadah. i've been contemplating leaving facebook for a while now and this makes me want to leave more! (unfortunately, i don't think i can. when i became my cohort's representative, i made a facebook group and people use it. a lot. it might be weird not being in that group, being the representative and all. but i still WANT to leave. p.s. if anyone knows of a facebook group type thing that's independent, let me know.)
why do i want to leave facebook? there's just too much going on. there are too many updates. too many pictures. too many distractions. too much junk. mostly about people that i haven't seen or spoken to since june 2003. and most of them weren't even my "friends" in high school! it's just addicting. it's like reality tv. you don't have to look at or read any of it, but you just can't help yourself! you can't turn your head! and i know, i post on facebook. i put up pictures,i update my status, i write on walls and i'm being a hypocrite. but i'm so used to it and you can't help being apart of it. and it's that addiction thing again! can an alcoholic just straight up stop drinking? no! i want to stop. i want to read a book instead of spend an hour looking at a friend of a friend of a person who i sat next to but never talked to in history in 10th grade's photo albums. i want to be able to take a picture not contemplate, hmm, is this facebook worthy? that's probably because of my own self control issues (and nosiness/stalker tendencies. there's not denying it. every girl has them), but i think everyone in the world has these issues as well in one form or another. even getting my iphone is semi-regrettable. it's great for facetime, recording lectures (best voice recorder ever btw), and looking up unknown information that you want to know about but would forget all about by the time you got home if it weren't for the internet on your iphone being at your fingertips. but, i'm also constantly checking my email, looking up things that i don't need to be looking up, and, yup, checking facebook! ahhhhh! and if i were to be away from my phone for a day...ohh, the withdrawal convulsions i would experience. even the tv thing. if i knew that i could have a tv to watch one tv show and perhaps one newscast a day, i just might get one. but, no, that sucker would probably be on all of the time. i'm not a very disciplined person. i'm very, very easily distracted. i'm working on that though. but, i wonder how much more learning i could get done if all of these bad boys weren't around...
so, to round it out. i have a love/hate relationship with most things technology. right now, i'm really hating it because it seems to be taking up my entire life (right up there with nursing school, but nursing school is productive). perhaps if it stopped snowing (pleaseee weather gods, make it stop snowing soon) i could go outside and enjoy a real life. till then, it's me against technology. oh, and, if you are reading this and you have/will get/are thinking of getting that facebook car mirror feature thingy in your car, tell me now so i can never speak to you again.
and now i say thanks for reading and don't be mad at me. i warned you.
CHALLENGE: i challenge mark zuckerberg to shut down facebook for one week (even one day, but a week would be more interesting) and let's observe what happens.
i don't have a tv here. and i've been doing ok with that. but then superbowl sunday rolled around and i was feeling pretty sad. i was sitting at my desk studying (as i did allllllll weekend) and i kept getting texts about the pug doritos commercial. and i was feeling left out. then, it hit me: i've never not watched the superbowl before. so then, not only was i feeling sad and left out, but i felt awkward. i mean, i'm no joe sports, but i enjoy watching football. it's exciting. and watching the superbowl is a tradition. missing it is like missing your mom's birthday. if you don't at least call your mom on her birthday, you get a weird feeling inside you. so sunday was sad and weird.
also, when you get on facebook and see 10 billion posts about yellow and green or yellow and black or christina aguilera messing up the national anthem (still love her though) or the halftime show, you wanna be in on it a little bit. you don't want to miss the live action. i mean, if you were fixing a plate of nachos the moment jacket jackson's nipple graced the screen, that's it. you missed it. you don't get to say that you actually saw it (i do). and i missed all of sunday's moments that could've been (although it doesn't sound like there were many). the one thing i definitely don't want to miss is the oscars. i'm going to need get a tv for that one...or make a friend that will let me sit on their couch in my pajamas all night while drinking wine and judging celebrities.
ok, speaking of facebook and no tv...
since i don't have a tv, i watch what i want online. so, i'm watching how i met your mother (btw: i never thought how i met your mother would make me cry, but somehow the last 2 did. i love that show.) and an advertisement comes up. a guy and a girl are standing on a sidewalk and they awkwardly kiss. the girl goes inside and the guy gets in his car. he presses a button on his rearview mirror AND THE REARVIEW MIRROR GIVES HIM THE GIRL'S FACEBOOK STATUS UPDATE (it said, "best first date ever")! WHAT THE WHAT!? c'mon technology. leave us alone. and why couldn't homegirl tell him that to his face? now the whole world knows about their intimate first date? and of course, there will be comments under that post. and yadah yadah. i've been contemplating leaving facebook for a while now and this makes me want to leave more! (unfortunately, i don't think i can. when i became my cohort's representative, i made a facebook group and people use it. a lot. it might be weird not being in that group, being the representative and all. but i still WANT to leave. p.s. if anyone knows of a facebook group type thing that's independent, let me know.)
why do i want to leave facebook? there's just too much going on. there are too many updates. too many pictures. too many distractions. too much junk. mostly about people that i haven't seen or spoken to since june 2003. and most of them weren't even my "friends" in high school! it's just addicting. it's like reality tv. you don't have to look at or read any of it, but you just can't help yourself! you can't turn your head! and i know, i post on facebook. i put up pictures,i update my status, i write on walls and i'm being a hypocrite. but i'm so used to it and you can't help being apart of it. and it's that addiction thing again! can an alcoholic just straight up stop drinking? no! i want to stop. i want to read a book instead of spend an hour looking at a friend of a friend of a person who i sat next to but never talked to in history in 10th grade's photo albums. i want to be able to take a picture not contemplate, hmm, is this facebook worthy? that's probably because of my own self control issues (and nosiness/stalker tendencies. there's not denying it. every girl has them), but i think everyone in the world has these issues as well in one form or another. even getting my iphone is semi-regrettable. it's great for facetime, recording lectures (best voice recorder ever btw), and looking up unknown information that you want to know about but would forget all about by the time you got home if it weren't for the internet on your iphone being at your fingertips. but, i'm also constantly checking my email, looking up things that i don't need to be looking up, and, yup, checking facebook! ahhhhh! and if i were to be away from my phone for a day...ohh, the withdrawal convulsions i would experience. even the tv thing. if i knew that i could have a tv to watch one tv show and perhaps one newscast a day, i just might get one. but, no, that sucker would probably be on all of the time. i'm not a very disciplined person. i'm very, very easily distracted. i'm working on that though. but, i wonder how much more learning i could get done if all of these bad boys weren't around...
so, to round it out. i have a love/hate relationship with most things technology. right now, i'm really hating it because it seems to be taking up my entire life (right up there with nursing school, but nursing school is productive). perhaps if it stopped snowing (pleaseee weather gods, make it stop snowing soon) i could go outside and enjoy a real life. till then, it's me against technology. oh, and, if you are reading this and you have/will get/are thinking of getting that facebook car mirror feature thingy in your car, tell me now so i can never speak to you again.
and now i say thanks for reading and don't be mad at me. i warned you.
CHALLENGE: i challenge mark zuckerberg to shut down facebook for one week (even one day, but a week would be more interesting) and let's observe what happens.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
it is -9 degrees here (-23 with windchill). school is actually closed! i never thought i'd experience a snow day here. a classmate of mine said she hasn't had one of those since elementary school. i mean, i haven't left my apartment today (and don't plan to), but it must be pretty yuck out there.
since it's gross out, here's a pretty video for pretty thoughts, and pretty times, and prettiness. (reminds me of my "sister", michelle)
since it's gross out, here's a pretty video for pretty thoughts, and pretty times, and prettiness. (reminds me of my "sister", michelle)
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