sir oliver charles is daniel and my doggy. he was born on february 27, 2010. today he is 1 year old.
he is cuddly, playful, cute, sometimes stinky, loveable, and pretty smart. i didn't end up bringing him to denver, like originally planned, because 1. it was cold, and 2. i didn't know what taking care of the pup myself and going to school would be like. daniel works crazy hours, so it would've been hard to him to take care of oliver, too. so, he went to houston to live with my mom, dad, and cousin. it was the perfect situation because, thanks to everyone's work hours, the boy is only home alone for a short amount of time. (i was about to put the schedule up here...but my parents were severely burglarized almost a year ago and it would be so not cool if someone read this and ended up in our house...not that i have any readers or that anyone really knows where my parents live)
anyway, daniel and i love oliver with the whole of our hearts. here's a photo journey of the little guy's life thus far.
oliver's first day with us
oliver's first day with us
oli's first bath
so small!
at freddie's for daniel's 25th birthday
oli's first pug meetup

first walk around town lake

first trip to the vet
super happy that we're back from our new orleans vacation
chewing on rocks in the backyard
wanting ribs.
sitting funny
can never be a man...
look at him compared to the shoe now...
modeling his new sweater
just being a nuisance
happy halloween!
bundled up
thanksgiving nap
our first christmas together :)
waiting for bacon at his new house the morning i left for denver
his new bed (and one of the many pictures my mom has texted me)
oli on valentine's day
(i have no idea why these photos are all different sizes and in different spots, and i have no idea how to fix it)
happy birthday puppy dog. your papa and i love and miss you!
Awww, so precious! Happy Birthday, Oliver!