and here is my snow angel (see the shadow from the tree?):
that all happened yesterday after i picked up a very pretty mid century desk from someone at DU. this morning i woke up and wanted to make a snow man. so, since the snow hadn't melted away yet, i went out onto my balcony and did just that. in the middle of my 10 year old fun, the guy who lives across the way from me (who looks like vince young by the way..i don't think it's really him though) stared at me for a little while. i pretended i didn't see him. i'm pretty sure he thought i was a child. anyway, the snow was cold, duh. and i was all alone. and my snowman only got to be 18 inches tall. i could've made him a little bit taller, i had more snow...but it was too damn cold! soooo, the snowman experience could've been better. making one alone definitely made me feel like i was the weird kid in 1st grade that played in the corner. here is herman, my snowman (with spaghetti hair and smile, blueberry eyes, a carrot nose, and drillbit arms):
ok, so moving in proved to be a bit of a problem. mainly because the person who's lease i was taking over was a bit difficult. he agreed last week to sign the lease on tuesday at 4. so, i made all my arrangements around that. then, monday, he says he can be out on saturday...not thinking that signing the lease meant peace out buddy. after some talking, he agreed to move out on wednesday, so daniel and i stayed in a hotel on tuesday night. oh wait, tangent! monday night, daniel and i got to visit with his extended family in amarillo and hereford. his family is the best. daniel and i got some adult time sitting at the adult table (it's weird to think that i'm an adult...) and talking adult things (not like that). then a little before we left, i got to see his little second cousin's rooms. he has the CUTEST little second cousins. they're both girls and they're about, 7 and 8 i think. anyway, little christina wanted to show me her room so i went in there and she sat me down on her bed and said, "jessa, i miss you. i never get to see you" in the most serious voice. i didn't even know that a 7 year old could remember a person she had only met once over a year before then. i wish i could hang out with those little girls more. they're amazing.
ok, back to moving in. we had some time to kill on wednesday before getting my keys from the slow poke. so, daniel and i saw "the fighter". pretty good. good story, good acting. amy adams was pretty provocative. i liked it. i don't think it's going to win best movie, but i would definitely advise my friends to see it.
finally, 4pm rolls around and the kid is out of the apartment. (he said he was getting a truck at 11...i really though he woulda been done sooner. he didn't have much stuff. but he did smell like the ciggaweed when i got the keys, so things may have gone slowly.). i get the keys, and walk in and the apartment stinks. not any worse than it did when i visited the place, but still, yuck. so i busted out the air fresheners i bought. daniel and i moved everything in from the packed to the brim car. then, it was off to pick up a couch and a bed. the couch. i LOVE. it's orange, it's courdoroy, it's streamlined, it's comfortable. ♥
not a great pic, but it's the one from the craigslist ad.
the bed, EHHH. i wanna get a new one. but, yesterday, i bought a desk. and that is just gorgeous too. and my $15 brown tweed steelcase chair i brought along from austin. (daniel has a matching one ♥)
all in all, i'm liking how my very first living by myself apartment is coming together. the only problem (besides the walls being entirely too white) is that i don't like being alone! i miss exploring this new city with daniel. i went from living at home, to living with roommates, to living with daniel. if i were a single person, this might be pretty cool, but i have a boyfriend. i don't like being away from the life i made in austin too much. but, sacrifices. i must live here to get the good degree i need for a better future for myself and a my future family. right? yeah. and, i oughta live by myself at least once in my life, eh? better now than later (because that would mean bad news bears in the relationship department). ok. peace out homies. gotta read. teacher gave us reading to start on 2 weeks ago! gotta be prepared for my first day :)
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