Monday, May 2, 2011
i was just singing along hardcore to some glee radio station on pandora, and the following commercial just said, "hey, great singing voice. you must really like that song." i already put a post-it over the camera on my computer because i'm afraid it's watching me. ummmmmm, can computers hear you now?
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
i love ellen. but i'm pretty upset that she decided to back those wildcats who should have lost to us.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
i have finals next week (i had one yesterday...and ROCKED it). so, till next week. not that very many people read this. BUT, i did get my first comment from someone i don't even know! randoms are reading my blog! woohoo! i guess i'll have to do it more often. but for now...i study till my head explodes
Monday, February 28, 2011
sophie hanks
i have a test tomorrow...but i can't stop procrastinating! damn internet.
side note: i'm just putting it out there that i think natalie portman is going to have twins. she's ginormo [and gorgeous] for only being a few months preggers.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
so, when the oscar nominations came out on january 25th, i made a plan to watch all the movies i hadn't seen yet. i'm a planner. i'm good at it. i love to plan! the problem is, i don't like executing plans. so, i didn't watch very many of the movies i planned to see before today. mainly, the ones that are still in the theaters. but, i was also thinking it wouldn't be a huge deal because i don't have a tv. so, i wasn't going to get to experience the oscars this year. i wasn't going to get to see the dresses and suits or see, immediately, who won what. so how bad would it be that i not have predictions? but, i have just learned that the oscars, in addition to the red carpet, can be streamed online. but, i've heard that story before. "you can watch this game online can watch this award show there..." and it never works out. so, i'm not getting my hopes up. but I would love to see what anne hathaway and james franco have in store because i have huge crushes on both of them :)
movies i wanted to see, but have not gotten a chance to yet:
127 hours
true grit
the king's speech
rabbit hole
blue valentine
biutiful (but this one isn't playing in denver...perhaps in atx?)
that's not too many. at least, not like previous years. i'll probably knock them out when i'm in austin on break (yay!) and not worried about school so much. i just wish i could execute a damn plan efficiently.
*update* YAY! i got to watch it all (well, most of it thanks to the coffee shop i was at needing to reset their router like 5 times) at one of the things i was saddest about (but it will probably be on youtube soon enough) was the internet losing connection right at the beginning of anne hathaway's duet with whoever it ended up being with. and i'm sure james franco did something weird and funny...but i didn't see any hint of it. the autotuned song was incomprehensible. also, a lot of the speeches and introductions were in fast forward mode thanks to shoddy internet connection. but, i'm so glad i got to see most of the awards. even if it meant me skipping out on a lot of the studying i had planned for tonight. it's ok. james franco is worth it.
movies i wanted to see, but have not gotten a chance to yet:
127 hours
true grit
the king's speech
rabbit hole
blue valentine
biutiful (but this one isn't playing in denver...perhaps in atx?)
that's not too many. at least, not like previous years. i'll probably knock them out when i'm in austin on break (yay!) and not worried about school so much. i just wish i could execute a damn plan efficiently.
*update* YAY! i got to watch it all (well, most of it thanks to the coffee shop i was at needing to reset their router like 5 times) at one of the things i was saddest about (but it will probably be on youtube soon enough) was the internet losing connection right at the beginning of anne hathaway's duet with whoever it ended up being with. and i'm sure james franco did something weird and funny...but i didn't see any hint of it. the autotuned song was incomprehensible. also, a lot of the speeches and introductions were in fast forward mode thanks to shoddy internet connection. but, i'm so glad i got to see most of the awards. even if it meant me skipping out on a lot of the studying i had planned for tonight. it's ok. james franco is worth it.
sir oliver charles is daniel and my doggy. he was born on february 27, 2010. today he is 1 year old.
he is cuddly, playful, cute, sometimes stinky, loveable, and pretty smart. i didn't end up bringing him to denver, like originally planned, because 1. it was cold, and 2. i didn't know what taking care of the pup myself and going to school would be like. daniel works crazy hours, so it would've been hard to him to take care of oliver, too. so, he went to houston to live with my mom, dad, and cousin. it was the perfect situation because, thanks to everyone's work hours, the boy is only home alone for a short amount of time. (i was about to put the schedule up here...but my parents were severely burglarized almost a year ago and it would be so not cool if someone read this and ended up in our house...not that i have any readers or that anyone really knows where my parents live)
anyway, daniel and i love oliver with the whole of our hearts. here's a photo journey of the little guy's life thus far.
oliver's first day with us
oliver's first day with us
oli's first bath
so small!
at freddie's for daniel's 25th birthday
oli's first pug meetup

first walk around town lake

first trip to the vet
super happy that we're back from our new orleans vacation
chewing on rocks in the backyard
wanting ribs.
sitting funny
can never be a man...
look at him compared to the shoe now...
modeling his new sweater
just being a nuisance
happy halloween!
bundled up
thanksgiving nap
our first christmas together :)
waiting for bacon at his new house the morning i left for denver
his new bed (and one of the many pictures my mom has texted me)
oli on valentine's day
(i have no idea why these photos are all different sizes and in different spots, and i have no idea how to fix it)
happy birthday puppy dog. your papa and i love and miss you!
Friday, February 25, 2011
the daybook
i've been working on this one blogpost for about a week now. it's hard to pull the words out of me for it though. i should be done soon.
in the meantime...i've been getting into the daybook. it's a beautiful and wonderfully written blog about a girl, who fell in love with a boy, their life together, and FASHION. she's got great style :)
anyhow, she's got a giveaway going on right now for THIS magnificently gorgeous dress. so, not only am i here to promote the daybook, but to blog about the giveaway (because it means an extra entry to be thrown in the drawing bowl!). oh boyyy, i hope i win it. it's so pretty!
ok, goodbye. hope everyone's friday is going nicely :)
in the meantime...i've been getting into the daybook. it's a beautiful and wonderfully written blog about a girl, who fell in love with a boy, their life together, and FASHION. she's got great style :)
anyhow, she's got a giveaway going on right now for THIS magnificently gorgeous dress. so, not only am i here to promote the daybook, but to blog about the giveaway (because it means an extra entry to be thrown in the drawing bowl!). oh boyyy, i hope i win it. it's so pretty!
ok, goodbye. hope everyone's friday is going nicely :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
gettin' "s" done, son
flight booked...CHECK
paper done...CHECK
patho studying done...well, that will never be done, but what should be done by now...CHECK
health assessment studying done...not really, but i have a few days left
really, the flight being booked is the best feeling. i have an exact date and exact time that i know i will be home at. and i have my wonderful, lovely, beautiful little sister (who flew like 20 million times for her job in the first 6 weeks, thus, earned transferable miles) to thank :) there's no way i would be coming home on the day that i'm coming home for the price i paid if it weren't for her. actually, i don't think anybody could go anywhere ever on a plane for the price i paid... i can't wait to repay her and fly her out to denver :)
i also wouldn't have been done with my paper by now if it weren't for my boyfriend's dear sister. if she didn't agree to edit my paper today, i would probably be dotting the I's on the thing right up until 8am tomorrow when it's due. it feels nice to have something done with plenty of time to spare :) i think i'll do this more often.
paper done...CHECK
patho studying done...well, that will never be done, but what should be done by now...CHECK
health assessment studying done...not really, but i have a few days left
really, the flight being booked is the best feeling. i have an exact date and exact time that i know i will be home at. and i have my wonderful, lovely, beautiful little sister (who flew like 20 million times for her job in the first 6 weeks, thus, earned transferable miles) to thank :) there's no way i would be coming home on the day that i'm coming home for the price i paid if it weren't for her. actually, i don't think anybody could go anywhere ever on a plane for the price i paid... i can't wait to repay her and fly her out to denver :)
i also wouldn't have been done with my paper by now if it weren't for my boyfriend's dear sister. if she didn't agree to edit my paper today, i would probably be dotting the I's on the thing right up until 8am tomorrow when it's due. it feels nice to have something done with plenty of time to spare :) i think i'll do this more often.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
warning: blogging while sleep deprived means there will be a whole lot of rambling going on
oh my gosh my brain!!! i have been studying forever and a day. but, the 3rd patho test has come and gone. and my brain needs a break before the 4th (1 week from now...not a big break. really, just about an hour break because i have quizzes the next 2 days, a patho paper due the day before the patho test, a health assessment test the day after, and a nursing topics quiz the next day. oh, and then death the day after that.).
i don't have a tv here. and i've been doing ok with that. but then superbowl sunday rolled around and i was feeling pretty sad. i was sitting at my desk studying (as i did allllllll weekend) and i kept getting texts about the pug doritos commercial. and i was feeling left out. then, it hit me: i've never not watched the superbowl before. so then, not only was i feeling sad and left out, but i felt awkward. i mean, i'm no joe sports, but i enjoy watching football. it's exciting. and watching the superbowl is a tradition. missing it is like missing your mom's birthday. if you don't at least call your mom on her birthday, you get a weird feeling inside you. so sunday was sad and weird.
also, when you get on facebook and see 10 billion posts about yellow and green or yellow and black or christina aguilera messing up the national anthem (still love her though) or the halftime show, you wanna be in on it a little bit. you don't want to miss the live action. i mean, if you were fixing a plate of nachos the moment jacket jackson's nipple graced the screen, that's it. you missed it. you don't get to say that you actually saw it (i do). and i missed all of sunday's moments that could've been (although it doesn't sound like there were many). the one thing i definitely don't want to miss is the oscars. i'm going to need get a tv for that one...or make a friend that will let me sit on their couch in my pajamas all night while drinking wine and judging celebrities.
ok, speaking of facebook and no tv...
since i don't have a tv, i watch what i want online. so, i'm watching how i met your mother (btw: i never thought how i met your mother would make me cry, but somehow the last 2 did. i love that show.) and an advertisement comes up. a guy and a girl are standing on a sidewalk and they awkwardly kiss. the girl goes inside and the guy gets in his car. he presses a button on his rearview mirror AND THE REARVIEW MIRROR GIVES HIM THE GIRL'S FACEBOOK STATUS UPDATE (it said, "best first date ever")! WHAT THE WHAT!? c'mon technology. leave us alone. and why couldn't homegirl tell him that to his face? now the whole world knows about their intimate first date? and of course, there will be comments under that post. and yadah yadah. i've been contemplating leaving facebook for a while now and this makes me want to leave more! (unfortunately, i don't think i can. when i became my cohort's representative, i made a facebook group and people use it. a lot. it might be weird not being in that group, being the representative and all. but i still WANT to leave. p.s. if anyone knows of a facebook group type thing that's independent, let me know.)
why do i want to leave facebook? there's just too much going on. there are too many updates. too many pictures. too many distractions. too much junk. mostly about people that i haven't seen or spoken to since june 2003. and most of them weren't even my "friends" in high school! it's just addicting. it's like reality tv. you don't have to look at or read any of it, but you just can't help yourself! you can't turn your head! and i know, i post on facebook. i put up pictures,i update my status, i write on walls and i'm being a hypocrite. but i'm so used to it and you can't help being apart of it. and it's that addiction thing again! can an alcoholic just straight up stop drinking? no! i want to stop. i want to read a book instead of spend an hour looking at a friend of a friend of a person who i sat next to but never talked to in history in 10th grade's photo albums. i want to be able to take a picture not contemplate, hmm, is this facebook worthy? that's probably because of my own self control issues (and nosiness/stalker tendencies. there's not denying it. every girl has them), but i think everyone in the world has these issues as well in one form or another. even getting my iphone is semi-regrettable. it's great for facetime, recording lectures (best voice recorder ever btw), and looking up unknown information that you want to know about but would forget all about by the time you got home if it weren't for the internet on your iphone being at your fingertips. but, i'm also constantly checking my email, looking up things that i don't need to be looking up, and, yup, checking facebook! ahhhhh! and if i were to be away from my phone for a day...ohh, the withdrawal convulsions i would experience. even the tv thing. if i knew that i could have a tv to watch one tv show and perhaps one newscast a day, i just might get one. but, no, that sucker would probably be on all of the time. i'm not a very disciplined person. i'm very, very easily distracted. i'm working on that though. but, i wonder how much more learning i could get done if all of these bad boys weren't around...
so, to round it out. i have a love/hate relationship with most things technology. right now, i'm really hating it because it seems to be taking up my entire life (right up there with nursing school, but nursing school is productive). perhaps if it stopped snowing (pleaseee weather gods, make it stop snowing soon) i could go outside and enjoy a real life. till then, it's me against technology. oh, and, if you are reading this and you have/will get/are thinking of getting that facebook car mirror feature thingy in your car, tell me now so i can never speak to you again.
and now i say thanks for reading and don't be mad at me. i warned you.
CHALLENGE: i challenge mark zuckerberg to shut down facebook for one week (even one day, but a week would be more interesting) and let's observe what happens.
i don't have a tv here. and i've been doing ok with that. but then superbowl sunday rolled around and i was feeling pretty sad. i was sitting at my desk studying (as i did allllllll weekend) and i kept getting texts about the pug doritos commercial. and i was feeling left out. then, it hit me: i've never not watched the superbowl before. so then, not only was i feeling sad and left out, but i felt awkward. i mean, i'm no joe sports, but i enjoy watching football. it's exciting. and watching the superbowl is a tradition. missing it is like missing your mom's birthday. if you don't at least call your mom on her birthday, you get a weird feeling inside you. so sunday was sad and weird.
also, when you get on facebook and see 10 billion posts about yellow and green or yellow and black or christina aguilera messing up the national anthem (still love her though) or the halftime show, you wanna be in on it a little bit. you don't want to miss the live action. i mean, if you were fixing a plate of nachos the moment jacket jackson's nipple graced the screen, that's it. you missed it. you don't get to say that you actually saw it (i do). and i missed all of sunday's moments that could've been (although it doesn't sound like there were many). the one thing i definitely don't want to miss is the oscars. i'm going to need get a tv for that one...or make a friend that will let me sit on their couch in my pajamas all night while drinking wine and judging celebrities.
ok, speaking of facebook and no tv...
since i don't have a tv, i watch what i want online. so, i'm watching how i met your mother (btw: i never thought how i met your mother would make me cry, but somehow the last 2 did. i love that show.) and an advertisement comes up. a guy and a girl are standing on a sidewalk and they awkwardly kiss. the girl goes inside and the guy gets in his car. he presses a button on his rearview mirror AND THE REARVIEW MIRROR GIVES HIM THE GIRL'S FACEBOOK STATUS UPDATE (it said, "best first date ever")! WHAT THE WHAT!? c'mon technology. leave us alone. and why couldn't homegirl tell him that to his face? now the whole world knows about their intimate first date? and of course, there will be comments under that post. and yadah yadah. i've been contemplating leaving facebook for a while now and this makes me want to leave more! (unfortunately, i don't think i can. when i became my cohort's representative, i made a facebook group and people use it. a lot. it might be weird not being in that group, being the representative and all. but i still WANT to leave. p.s. if anyone knows of a facebook group type thing that's independent, let me know.)
why do i want to leave facebook? there's just too much going on. there are too many updates. too many pictures. too many distractions. too much junk. mostly about people that i haven't seen or spoken to since june 2003. and most of them weren't even my "friends" in high school! it's just addicting. it's like reality tv. you don't have to look at or read any of it, but you just can't help yourself! you can't turn your head! and i know, i post on facebook. i put up pictures,i update my status, i write on walls and i'm being a hypocrite. but i'm so used to it and you can't help being apart of it. and it's that addiction thing again! can an alcoholic just straight up stop drinking? no! i want to stop. i want to read a book instead of spend an hour looking at a friend of a friend of a person who i sat next to but never talked to in history in 10th grade's photo albums. i want to be able to take a picture not contemplate, hmm, is this facebook worthy? that's probably because of my own self control issues (and nosiness/stalker tendencies. there's not denying it. every girl has them), but i think everyone in the world has these issues as well in one form or another. even getting my iphone is semi-regrettable. it's great for facetime, recording lectures (best voice recorder ever btw), and looking up unknown information that you want to know about but would forget all about by the time you got home if it weren't for the internet on your iphone being at your fingertips. but, i'm also constantly checking my email, looking up things that i don't need to be looking up, and, yup, checking facebook! ahhhhh! and if i were to be away from my phone for a day...ohh, the withdrawal convulsions i would experience. even the tv thing. if i knew that i could have a tv to watch one tv show and perhaps one newscast a day, i just might get one. but, no, that sucker would probably be on all of the time. i'm not a very disciplined person. i'm very, very easily distracted. i'm working on that though. but, i wonder how much more learning i could get done if all of these bad boys weren't around...
so, to round it out. i have a love/hate relationship with most things technology. right now, i'm really hating it because it seems to be taking up my entire life (right up there with nursing school, but nursing school is productive). perhaps if it stopped snowing (pleaseee weather gods, make it stop snowing soon) i could go outside and enjoy a real life. till then, it's me against technology. oh, and, if you are reading this and you have/will get/are thinking of getting that facebook car mirror feature thingy in your car, tell me now so i can never speak to you again.
and now i say thanks for reading and don't be mad at me. i warned you.
CHALLENGE: i challenge mark zuckerberg to shut down facebook for one week (even one day, but a week would be more interesting) and let's observe what happens.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
it is -9 degrees here (-23 with windchill). school is actually closed! i never thought i'd experience a snow day here. a classmate of mine said she hasn't had one of those since elementary school. i mean, i haven't left my apartment today (and don't plan to), but it must be pretty yuck out there.
since it's gross out, here's a pretty video for pretty thoughts, and pretty times, and prettiness. (reminds me of my "sister", michelle)
since it's gross out, here's a pretty video for pretty thoughts, and pretty times, and prettiness. (reminds me of my "sister", michelle)
Monday, January 31, 2011
it's official
little sister is getting hitched on july 23rd. geez i wish i knew my summer school schedule...i hate that i could possibly be missing quizes or tests. ugh. but, i've already emailed my potential professors, and it looks like they're willing to work with me. sister's getting married! wahoooooo! and, i'd like to think that i semi-picked the venue (because i emailed it to her like, 3 weeks ago. but, i don't think she read the email because it included like, 10 other venues. but still. she called me last week saying, "ah, i found a pretty place", and i said, "um, i emailed that to you a long time ago".. yeah. i like getting credit for things...)
sister bought a dress yesterday with our other 2 "sisters". dang, i wish i were there for that. but i'm glad things are coming along :)
sister bought a dress yesterday with our other 2 "sisters". dang, i wish i were there for that. but i'm glad things are coming along :)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
i've been doing research for my sissy's wedding and came across this beauty. that's all i can say because i'm supposed to be studying. enyoy.
Madison & Bryan - Style Me Pretty "Style Challenge" - The Sanctuary from Matt Davis on Vimeo.
i have had some crazy cravings since i moved to denver.
i drink chocolate milk every day. i have bought 2 rotisserie chickens (that's a whole lot of chicken for one <100 lb girl!). i eat at least 1 orange a day. i got some applesauce that i eat often. i have made spaghetti and meatballs 3 times (each made about 5 helpings. that's 15 meals guys...)
i made spaghetti here and there in austin, but never 3 times in 1 month. i probably shared a rotisserie chicken with daniel once in 4 years. i ate an orange maybe 1-3 times a month if they were in season. i haven't drank chocolate milk or eaten applesauce, perhaps, since childhood. i don't understand why all of the sudden i am craving these foods.
another thing about denver. my left knee hurts when it's cold. why is this place making me so weird!? i thought austin was supposed to "keep you weird" :) awww, i miss austin. i miss knowing where i'm going and where i am when i drive. i miss the emo people. i miss liberals. i'm finding that denver is not as liberal as i expected it to be. i knew colorado is a purple state, but i thought that denver would be more liberal (or at least that my classmates would be). i miss oliver. and daniel. i miss the little cute grocery stores all over austin (newflower, sprouts, sun harvest). i miss wine being sold in grocery stores. i miss grape creeks' grand rouge wine (you can't find tx wine in colorado...). i miss knowing where to find good food. i miss burnt orange. i wore a burnt orange shirt to school one day and i felt like i was glowing. i miss my friends. i miss my family. i miss my sister (and being able to fully help her plan her wedding). ugh, i miss mozart's! and spiderhouse! there are no coffee houses on any body of water here and i have yet to find a place like spiderhouse. doubt i'll find it though. i miss the crazily decorated cars. i miss good texmex. and strangely, i miss moist air. my filipino/texan skin is not used to this dry air.
i do like that every time i drive out of my building, i see mountains. i like that i have worn boots every single day that i've been here (minus wednesdays, when i have lab). i like that it snows. and i like that strangers are nice (thus far). i like the public transportation (light rails are FUN). i like that every single store that i could ever need is a 15 minute walk or a 10 minute walk+light rail ride away (16th street mall has EVERYTHING). i like that the sales tax is less than in tx. and i like my classmates.
there are more things that i like and don't like about denver. i'm learning about, and dealing with, all of those things daily. but, there's no doubt in my mind that my biggest craving right now is austin. and chocolate milk.
i drink chocolate milk every day. i have bought 2 rotisserie chickens (that's a whole lot of chicken for one <100 lb girl!). i eat at least 1 orange a day. i got some applesauce that i eat often. i have made spaghetti and meatballs 3 times (each made about 5 helpings. that's 15 meals guys...)
i made spaghetti here and there in austin, but never 3 times in 1 month. i probably shared a rotisserie chicken with daniel once in 4 years. i ate an orange maybe 1-3 times a month if they were in season. i haven't drank chocolate milk or eaten applesauce, perhaps, since childhood. i don't understand why all of the sudden i am craving these foods.
another thing about denver. my left knee hurts when it's cold. why is this place making me so weird!? i thought austin was supposed to "keep you weird" :) awww, i miss austin. i miss knowing where i'm going and where i am when i drive. i miss the emo people. i miss liberals. i'm finding that denver is not as liberal as i expected it to be. i knew colorado is a purple state, but i thought that denver would be more liberal (or at least that my classmates would be). i miss oliver. and daniel. i miss the little cute grocery stores all over austin (newflower, sprouts, sun harvest). i miss wine being sold in grocery stores. i miss grape creeks' grand rouge wine (you can't find tx wine in colorado...). i miss knowing where to find good food. i miss burnt orange. i wore a burnt orange shirt to school one day and i felt like i was glowing. i miss my friends. i miss my family. i miss my sister (and being able to fully help her plan her wedding). ugh, i miss mozart's! and spiderhouse! there are no coffee houses on any body of water here and i have yet to find a place like spiderhouse. doubt i'll find it though. i miss the crazily decorated cars. i miss good texmex. and strangely, i miss moist air. my filipino/texan skin is not used to this dry air.
i do like that every time i drive out of my building, i see mountains. i like that i have worn boots every single day that i've been here (minus wednesdays, when i have lab). i like that it snows. and i like that strangers are nice (thus far). i like the public transportation (light rails are FUN). i like that every single store that i could ever need is a 15 minute walk or a 10 minute walk+light rail ride away (16th street mall has EVERYTHING). i like that the sales tax is less than in tx. and i like my classmates.
there are more things that i like and don't like about denver. i'm learning about, and dealing with, all of those things daily. but, there's no doubt in my mind that my biggest craving right now is austin. and chocolate milk.
Friday, January 28, 2011
representative jessa
i did a super brave thing yesterday. i got up in front of my entire class and spoke. voluntarily. i was so scared. oh boy, i was experiencing major tremors and tachycardia (medical words!). it's the buildup of having to stand up and talk and thinking about everything that can go wrong. i could trip. i could talk too fast. i could stumble on my words. i could choke on my tongue. i could just stand there thinking i'm talking, or wanting to talk, but not. i could faint. i mean, i was only up there for like, 30 seconds. but it was NERVE WRACKING! and it felt like an hour.
the reason i spoke was because the student nurses association at our school wanted someone to represent the BSN cohort that just came in. i don't have anything else in denver, so i might as well embrace school. it is the reason i am here, after all. and, i didn't do anything organizational wise at UT (not that any of the 50,000 other students would have noticed). that did not make my resume look great. plus, there are something like 38 people in my class. that's like private elementary school sized, if that. there is no reason for everyone in my class to not know everyone's name. this is a great way for me to get to know everyone and make some friends. because i came to this town with zilch of those. and, i look at the experience one of my best friends, julianna, had during her time in nursing school. they had FUN. of course, it's different. she attended UT with mostly young, single, first time college goers. i'm going to school with 40 other people who have already gone to college and gotten a degree. one of them is a baby boomer! and, i think probably 75% of my class are married folk. it's a totally different dynamic. but, i can't think of one person in the world who doesn't appreciate a good time. i want nursing school to be memorable for everyone in my cohort. and i feel like i can execute that task. plus, i'm gonna get to know, hopefully, all of the faculty and staff. and get some bitchin letters written for me when i graduate and, eventually, go off to grad school.
ok, so, i got up, almost knocked over a table with waters on it on 2 girls, fixed that situation, and made my way to the front of the room. i took a deep breath and started my little speech that went something like this: "hi, i'm jessa. um, i've been emailing farrah, the girl who was here a couple of weeks ago from the sna, and she said she didn't think that anyone had stepped up to be the representative for our cohort. so, uh, i was wondering if y'all would be cool with me being it..." and then people cheered, "yeah! go for it! woohoo!". they actually cheered (at least, that's what i heard). and i felt like saying, "you love me! you reeeaaally love me!" but i resisted the urge. instead i said, "wow, ok, so i'm gonna pass a sheet of paper around for everyone to put their name and email down on so i can contact everyone", but that was already being done by my new friend, kelly. so, i said, "cool, can i get a copy of that later?" and that was it. i sat down, and watched my hands shake for 2 more minutes. and that's how i remember it. but, it's all a big haze.
then, i went and had drinks with like, 9 other people (our school is in the heart of, basically, austin's 6th street). yeah, i had drinks with strangers. well, not really strangers. i mean, we have all been going to school together for like, 4 weeks. but, ya know, not the closest of friends. but, i can already tell we are going to be. i had a blast with them. and, there's this bar RIGHT NEXT to my school that does this thing where, when you order a drink, you flip a coin. if you call the flip correctly, your drink is a quarter. A QUARTER! out of my 3 drinks, i only got one quarter drink. but still!
and that was my day of bravery.
the reason i spoke was because the student nurses association at our school wanted someone to represent the BSN cohort that just came in. i don't have anything else in denver, so i might as well embrace school. it is the reason i am here, after all. and, i didn't do anything organizational wise at UT (not that any of the 50,000 other students would have noticed). that did not make my resume look great. plus, there are something like 38 people in my class. that's like private elementary school sized, if that. there is no reason for everyone in my class to not know everyone's name. this is a great way for me to get to know everyone and make some friends. because i came to this town with zilch of those. and, i look at the experience one of my best friends, julianna, had during her time in nursing school. they had FUN. of course, it's different. she attended UT with mostly young, single, first time college goers. i'm going to school with 40 other people who have already gone to college and gotten a degree. one of them is a baby boomer! and, i think probably 75% of my class are married folk. it's a totally different dynamic. but, i can't think of one person in the world who doesn't appreciate a good time. i want nursing school to be memorable for everyone in my cohort. and i feel like i can execute that task. plus, i'm gonna get to know, hopefully, all of the faculty and staff. and get some bitchin letters written for me when i graduate and, eventually, go off to grad school.
ok, so, i got up, almost knocked over a table with waters on it on 2 girls, fixed that situation, and made my way to the front of the room. i took a deep breath and started my little speech that went something like this: "hi, i'm jessa. um, i've been emailing farrah, the girl who was here a couple of weeks ago from the sna, and she said she didn't think that anyone had stepped up to be the representative for our cohort. so, uh, i was wondering if y'all would be cool with me being it..." and then people cheered, "yeah! go for it! woohoo!". they actually cheered (at least, that's what i heard). and i felt like saying, "you love me! you reeeaaally love me!" but i resisted the urge. instead i said, "wow, ok, so i'm gonna pass a sheet of paper around for everyone to put their name and email down on so i can contact everyone", but that was already being done by my new friend, kelly. so, i said, "cool, can i get a copy of that later?" and that was it. i sat down, and watched my hands shake for 2 more minutes. and that's how i remember it. but, it's all a big haze.
then, i went and had drinks with like, 9 other people (our school is in the heart of, basically, austin's 6th street). yeah, i had drinks with strangers. well, not really strangers. i mean, we have all been going to school together for like, 4 weeks. but, ya know, not the closest of friends. but, i can already tell we are going to be. i had a blast with them. and, there's this bar RIGHT NEXT to my school that does this thing where, when you order a drink, you flip a coin. if you call the flip correctly, your drink is a quarter. A QUARTER! out of my 3 drinks, i only got one quarter drink. but still!
and that was my day of bravery.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
me time now.
i do everything in the world to make the lives of the closest people to me easier. plus, i do everything that i need to do pretty much all by myself. at least it feels that way. i can't remember the last time i asked an actual favor of someone. probably when i asked my old-roomie to take me to the airport at 4:30 am in september. yeah, sounds about right. that actually was super nice of her :) oh, wait. i asked people, "who are nurses and what do they do?" for an assignment last week. and actually taking a few people up on the kind offer to borrow money for school (which i don't think they thought i was going to do. BUT, i'm paying them back, with interest) was gut wrenching! i mean, i cried. and my stomach actually hurts thinking about how much my stomach hurt when i had those conversations. i was super duper close to going with the student loan that had a 10% variable interest rate just so the conversations would stop.
i mean, it's great and all to know that i'm helping people, making lives easier, but you know what? i'm over it. for now at least. it seems like nothing is appreciated when you give and give and give and give and give. and, i actually feel guilty asking something of someone else (that's not right). i sat there for probably 10 minutes fighting with myself over if i should press send on the mass text message, or just go to the 16th street mall and hit up some strangers for some answers for my assignment.
i'm going to be tending to people for the rest of my life in the profession i have chosen (why did i do that!?). if i don't take this time away from everything and everyone to just, not be "mom", i don't think i'll ever catch a break.
i mean, it's great and all to know that i'm helping people, making lives easier, but you know what? i'm over it. for now at least. it seems like nothing is appreciated when you give and give and give and give and give. and, i actually feel guilty asking something of someone else (that's not right). i sat there for probably 10 minutes fighting with myself over if i should press send on the mass text message, or just go to the 16th street mall and hit up some strangers for some answers for my assignment.
i'm going to be tending to people for the rest of my life in the profession i have chosen (why did i do that!?). if i don't take this time away from everything and everyone to just, not be "mom", i don't think i'll ever catch a break.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
rue la la
i just bought a $345 purse by "all you need" for $69.90. yeah. i mean, i shop online a lot. i just realized, i buy almost everything (except food) online. really really try not to, ya know, with not having any money situation going on, but you get sucked in. everything is out there! at a cheaper price than in the stores, too. but, one of the things i almost never buy are purses. hmm, jewelery, too. i don't know why. i'm not a purse buyer (or a jewelery wearer, i'm set with my daily items). so, the fact that i bought this one, is pretty spectacular. and i'm really excited for it to come in! and what a deal!?
the sale is here, there are tons of other goodies, and ends today at midnight EST. all you need is a paypal account and you can sign up for rue la la when you get there. :)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
yesterday, saturday, i met up with my best friend in the world, mary ellen, in breckenridge, co. she her family was staying in boulder with her husband's cousin and his family. anyway, those families wanted to take their kids sledding in the beautiful mountains, so they trekked to adorable town of breckenridge and asked me to come along. i obliged.
the 1.5 hour drive was pretty easy and very beautiful. unfortunately, driving myself, i couldn't take many photos, but i did what i could.

i arrived in the area a little early, so i dropped into the outlet malls in silverthorne, co about 10 minutes outside of breckenridge. what can i say, i'm filipino. i can't pass up the opportunity to go to an outlet mall! then, i met up with team cavazii and extended family. we ate a bit and then went SLEDDING! oh my goodness, what fun! who knew that sliding down ice could be as exciting as it was!? and i can't believe that kids actually get to grow up doing this. seeing snow for the first couple of times has been the most amazing thing, but it seems like nothing to everyone else here. i mean, people i've spoken to said that they were excited for the first snow of the season, but it seems like it should be the most exciting thing of the year! as i said before, my heart was pounding with excitement and joy when i saw the first snow falling, and honestly, i haven't felt that way in years.
anyway, i was super happy to slide on ice and make snowballs with my bestest friend and her family :) here are some remnants of our day

thanks to danny cavazos for the past 4 photos :)
ok, now i'm still tired from yesterday. snow makes you tired! who knew? you know what else makes you tired? a 3 hour drive that was supposed to take 1.5 hours. yeah, traffic going home was that bad. and now i gotta keep studying. big first test in 2 days! eeeeek
the 1.5 hour drive was pretty easy and very beautiful. unfortunately, driving myself, i couldn't take many photos, but i did what i could.
i arrived in the area a little early, so i dropped into the outlet malls in silverthorne, co about 10 minutes outside of breckenridge. what can i say, i'm filipino. i can't pass up the opportunity to go to an outlet mall! then, i met up with team cavazii and extended family. we ate a bit and then went SLEDDING! oh my goodness, what fun! who knew that sliding down ice could be as exciting as it was!? and i can't believe that kids actually get to grow up doing this. seeing snow for the first couple of times has been the most amazing thing, but it seems like nothing to everyone else here. i mean, people i've spoken to said that they were excited for the first snow of the season, but it seems like it should be the most exciting thing of the year! as i said before, my heart was pounding with excitement and joy when i saw the first snow falling, and honestly, i haven't felt that way in years.
anyway, i was super happy to slide on ice and make snowballs with my bestest friend and her family :) here are some remnants of our day
thanks to danny cavazos for the past 4 photos :)
ok, now i'm still tired from yesterday. snow makes you tired! who knew? you know what else makes you tired? a 3 hour drive that was supposed to take 1.5 hours. yeah, traffic going home was that bad. and now i gotta keep studying. big first test in 2 days! eeeeek
Monday, January 3, 2011
first day of school
today was my first day of school. last night i laid out an outfit (which didn't get to be seen because of layers and layers of excess clothing), i packed up my backpack, i made a few pb&j sandwiches, i turned on the coffee pot timer, and went to bed at 9:30.
this morning, i woke up, showered, packed everything up, got into the elevator, and sat in it for 5 minutes. i got stuck. finally, it opened. i had planned on walking to the lightrail and using the great public transportation this city has to offer to get me to school, but i was bummed, and i was afraid that i might be late (i had missed the 7:16 light rail, and i didn't know if the 7:31 would get me to school on time) so i jumped in my car and drove off. i parked a block away, paid $4 to park and walked in to the school! it was magical.
then, class started. the teacher was awesome. he was funny. he spent 1.5 hours talking about the school and the syllabus and the library guy came in to teach us how to use the database to write our research papers.
we had a 10 minute break and then actual lecture started. it was 9:41 and Dr. Spaulding began talking about chapter 1 of our pathophysiology book. we all had slides he had prepared. all 57 of them. class was supposed to end at 10:30, but he had said in the beginning that he goes over sometimes. and today he did. he finished at 10:38 and somehow got through allllll 57 slides. 57 slides about biology. this man spoke fast. good thing i brought a voice recorder. because it was just so fast! at least he's a funny guy though. but really. goodbye life. this class is what will set the tone for the next 21 months, and i need an A+ (they use the +- system here. that's new to me. as well as the 11 week quarters. talk about a sprint!). first test is next tuesday. yeah, a week from tomorrow. and it's over 9 chapters. so, seeyuh.
OHHH, but real quick! after class, i had set up a time to buy some more stuff for my place from a lady advertising on craigslist. and seriously, i scored big time. she had 2 end tables, a coffee table, and a chair desk thingamabobber. i offered her $65 for a coffee table and an end table. when i got there, i said, neato, i'll take them. i pulled my car around to a more loadable spot and as she walked out with the first item to load she said, "ya know what. if you want, i'll just give you the rest of the stuff for free. i really just need to get rid of it all". i said, "SURE!!!". the coffee table needs some refinishing (easy) and the chair desk thingamabobber needs some wood glue here and there, but hey, 4 pieces for $65. c'mon! take a look at all my goodies:

i'm pretty excited. especially because i was about to buy a coffee table almost exactly the same as this one i just got except it was $70 all by itself. yeah, it was finished, but i mean, that's a simple job. and, it didn't come with 3 throw in goodies! i was pretty excited about this buy. so, i have completely decorated my home for $200. now i just need some damn color on the walls or something. ok, study time. goodbye.
this morning, i woke up, showered, packed everything up, got into the elevator, and sat in it for 5 minutes. i got stuck. finally, it opened. i had planned on walking to the lightrail and using the great public transportation this city has to offer to get me to school, but i was bummed, and i was afraid that i might be late (i had missed the 7:16 light rail, and i didn't know if the 7:31 would get me to school on time) so i jumped in my car and drove off. i parked a block away, paid $4 to park and walked in to the school! it was magical.
then, class started. the teacher was awesome. he was funny. he spent 1.5 hours talking about the school and the syllabus and the library guy came in to teach us how to use the database to write our research papers.
we had a 10 minute break and then actual lecture started. it was 9:41 and Dr. Spaulding began talking about chapter 1 of our pathophysiology book. we all had slides he had prepared. all 57 of them. class was supposed to end at 10:30, but he had said in the beginning that he goes over sometimes. and today he did. he finished at 10:38 and somehow got through allllll 57 slides. 57 slides about biology. this man spoke fast. good thing i brought a voice recorder. because it was just so fast! at least he's a funny guy though. but really. goodbye life. this class is what will set the tone for the next 21 months, and i need an A+ (they use the +- system here. that's new to me. as well as the 11 week quarters. talk about a sprint!). first test is next tuesday. yeah, a week from tomorrow. and it's over 9 chapters. so, seeyuh.
OHHH, but real quick! after class, i had set up a time to buy some more stuff for my place from a lady advertising on craigslist. and seriously, i scored big time. she had 2 end tables, a coffee table, and a chair desk thingamabobber. i offered her $65 for a coffee table and an end table. when i got there, i said, neato, i'll take them. i pulled my car around to a more loadable spot and as she walked out with the first item to load she said, "ya know what. if you want, i'll just give you the rest of the stuff for free. i really just need to get rid of it all". i said, "SURE!!!". the coffee table needs some refinishing (easy) and the chair desk thingamabobber needs some wood glue here and there, but hey, 4 pieces for $65. c'mon! take a look at all my goodies:
i'm pretty excited. especially because i was about to buy a coffee table almost exactly the same as this one i just got except it was $70 all by itself. yeah, it was finished, but i mean, that's a simple job. and, it didn't come with 3 throw in goodies! i was pretty excited about this buy. so, i have completely decorated my home for $200. now i just need some damn color on the walls or something. ok, study time. goodbye.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
welcome home?
so, i'm pretty much settled. and it's pretty boring. i've been doing a lot of craigslisting and watching "the office" and reading about cells. since daniel's left it sorta sucks here. i did make a snow angel and a snowman for the first time ever! it was sorta fun. i made the snow angel in washington park. it's so gorgeous there. but, there were families (probably rich families) playing in the snow in the park. kids on sleds, dad's pulling them and what not. so, i laid down next to a tree where i couldn't be seen (at least i think i wasn't seen) and quickly made a snow angel so as not to look like a crazy loner who drove up to the park, walked across the street, made a snow angel, and walked away. p.s. when making a snow angel, make sure to pull up your pants and pull down on your coat as you are laying down. otherwise, you will get ice down your crack. here is washington park:

and here is my snow angel (see the shadow from the tree?):

that all happened yesterday after i picked up a very pretty mid century desk from someone at DU. this morning i woke up and wanted to make a snow man. so, since the snow hadn't melted away yet, i went out onto my balcony and did just that. in the middle of my 10 year old fun, the guy who lives across the way from me (who looks like vince young by the way..i don't think it's really him though) stared at me for a little while. i pretended i didn't see him. i'm pretty sure he thought i was a child. anyway, the snow was cold, duh. and i was all alone. and my snowman only got to be 18 inches tall. i could've made him a little bit taller, i had more snow...but it was too damn cold! soooo, the snowman experience could've been better. making one alone definitely made me feel like i was the weird kid in 1st grade that played in the corner. here is herman, my snowman (with spaghetti hair and smile, blueberry eyes, a carrot nose, and drillbit arms):

ok, so moving in proved to be a bit of a problem. mainly because the person who's lease i was taking over was a bit difficult. he agreed last week to sign the lease on tuesday at 4. so, i made all my arrangements around that. then, monday, he says he can be out on saturday...not thinking that signing the lease meant peace out buddy. after some talking, he agreed to move out on wednesday, so daniel and i stayed in a hotel on tuesday night. oh wait, tangent! monday night, daniel and i got to visit with his extended family in amarillo and hereford. his family is the best. daniel and i got some adult time sitting at the adult table (it's weird to think that i'm an adult...) and talking adult things (not like that). then a little before we left, i got to see his little second cousin's rooms. he has the CUTEST little second cousins. they're both girls and they're about, 7 and 8 i think. anyway, little christina wanted to show me her room so i went in there and she sat me down on her bed and said, "jessa, i miss you. i never get to see you" in the most serious voice. i didn't even know that a 7 year old could remember a person she had only met once over a year before then. i wish i could hang out with those little girls more. they're amazing.
ok, back to moving in. we had some time to kill on wednesday before getting my keys from the slow poke. so, daniel and i saw "the fighter". pretty good. good story, good acting. amy adams was pretty provocative. i liked it. i don't think it's going to win best movie, but i would definitely advise my friends to see it.
finally, 4pm rolls around and the kid is out of the apartment. (he said he was getting a truck at 11...i really though he woulda been done sooner. he didn't have much stuff. but he did smell like the ciggaweed when i got the keys, so things may have gone slowly.). i get the keys, and walk in and the apartment stinks. not any worse than it did when i visited the place, but still, yuck. so i busted out the air fresheners i bought. daniel and i moved everything in from the packed to the brim car. then, it was off to pick up a couch and a bed. the couch. i LOVE. it's orange, it's courdoroy, it's streamlined, it's comfortable. ♥

not a great pic, but it's the one from the craigslist ad.
the bed, EHHH. i wanna get a new one. but, yesterday, i bought a desk. and that is just gorgeous too. and my $15 brown tweed steelcase chair i brought along from austin. (daniel has a matching one ♥)

all in all, i'm liking how my very first living by myself apartment is coming together. the only problem (besides the walls being entirely too white) is that i don't like being alone! i miss exploring this new city with daniel. i went from living at home, to living with roommates, to living with daniel. if i were a single person, this might be pretty cool, but i have a boyfriend. i don't like being away from the life i made in austin too much. but, sacrifices. i must live here to get the good degree i need for a better future for myself and a my future family. right? yeah. and, i oughta live by myself at least once in my life, eh? better now than later (because that would mean bad news bears in the relationship department). ok. peace out homies. gotta read. teacher gave us reading to start on 2 weeks ago! gotta be prepared for my first day :)
and here is my snow angel (see the shadow from the tree?):
that all happened yesterday after i picked up a very pretty mid century desk from someone at DU. this morning i woke up and wanted to make a snow man. so, since the snow hadn't melted away yet, i went out onto my balcony and did just that. in the middle of my 10 year old fun, the guy who lives across the way from me (who looks like vince young by the way..i don't think it's really him though) stared at me for a little while. i pretended i didn't see him. i'm pretty sure he thought i was a child. anyway, the snow was cold, duh. and i was all alone. and my snowman only got to be 18 inches tall. i could've made him a little bit taller, i had more snow...but it was too damn cold! soooo, the snowman experience could've been better. making one alone definitely made me feel like i was the weird kid in 1st grade that played in the corner. here is herman, my snowman (with spaghetti hair and smile, blueberry eyes, a carrot nose, and drillbit arms):
ok, so moving in proved to be a bit of a problem. mainly because the person who's lease i was taking over was a bit difficult. he agreed last week to sign the lease on tuesday at 4. so, i made all my arrangements around that. then, monday, he says he can be out on saturday...not thinking that signing the lease meant peace out buddy. after some talking, he agreed to move out on wednesday, so daniel and i stayed in a hotel on tuesday night. oh wait, tangent! monday night, daniel and i got to visit with his extended family in amarillo and hereford. his family is the best. daniel and i got some adult time sitting at the adult table (it's weird to think that i'm an adult...) and talking adult things (not like that). then a little before we left, i got to see his little second cousin's rooms. he has the CUTEST little second cousins. they're both girls and they're about, 7 and 8 i think. anyway, little christina wanted to show me her room so i went in there and she sat me down on her bed and said, "jessa, i miss you. i never get to see you" in the most serious voice. i didn't even know that a 7 year old could remember a person she had only met once over a year before then. i wish i could hang out with those little girls more. they're amazing.
ok, back to moving in. we had some time to kill on wednesday before getting my keys from the slow poke. so, daniel and i saw "the fighter". pretty good. good story, good acting. amy adams was pretty provocative. i liked it. i don't think it's going to win best movie, but i would definitely advise my friends to see it.
finally, 4pm rolls around and the kid is out of the apartment. (he said he was getting a truck at 11...i really though he woulda been done sooner. he didn't have much stuff. but he did smell like the ciggaweed when i got the keys, so things may have gone slowly.). i get the keys, and walk in and the apartment stinks. not any worse than it did when i visited the place, but still, yuck. so i busted out the air fresheners i bought. daniel and i moved everything in from the packed to the brim car. then, it was off to pick up a couch and a bed. the couch. i LOVE. it's orange, it's courdoroy, it's streamlined, it's comfortable. ♥
not a great pic, but it's the one from the craigslist ad.
the bed, EHHH. i wanna get a new one. but, yesterday, i bought a desk. and that is just gorgeous too. and my $15 brown tweed steelcase chair i brought along from austin. (daniel has a matching one ♥)
all in all, i'm liking how my very first living by myself apartment is coming together. the only problem (besides the walls being entirely too white) is that i don't like being alone! i miss exploring this new city with daniel. i went from living at home, to living with roommates, to living with daniel. if i were a single person, this might be pretty cool, but i have a boyfriend. i don't like being away from the life i made in austin too much. but, sacrifices. i must live here to get the good degree i need for a better future for myself and a my future family. right? yeah. and, i oughta live by myself at least once in my life, eh? better now than later (because that would mean bad news bears in the relationship department). ok. peace out homies. gotta read. teacher gave us reading to start on 2 weeks ago! gotta be prepared for my first day :)
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